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Deploying on Kubernetes

This document outlines how to deploy the Kubernetes application for ruok-service-autochecker.

Deploying on a Local Kubernetes Cluster

To deploy the ruok-service-autochecker application onto a local Kubernetes environment, ensure your current context is set to your local cluster (i.e. kubectl config set-context <your cluster>). You can verify your Kubernetes context by running kubectl config get-contexts; your current context will be indicated with *.

Before deploying the application, it is necessary to first build and tag all of the images in this repository. You can build and tag all of the images by running make build.

Note that you may need to perform an extra step of loading your locally built images into your local cluster's image registry (see Loading an image into the KinD Cluster, for example).

Once connected to your local cluster, run make k8s to deploy the various manifests and kustomization.yaml files associated with the application.

Continuous Deployment onto GKE